Historic Gardens Foundation Grants

The Historic Gardens Foundation (HGF) will offer grants towards publication of material relating to historic parks, gardens, and designed landscapes. Grants are available to charities, other public interest organisations and, in exceptional cases, individuals, who are pursuing aims similar to those of the HGF. Preference will be given to projects with an international dimension and to Applicants who have worked with the HGF in the past. The grants are not confined to the UK and Applicants can be from any country.

The HGF’s resources are modest: preference will therefore be given to helping smaller organisations which often find it difficult to raise funds. In general, the trustees will only consider applications up to £1,000. What the HGF is looking for are projects, preferably linking two or more countries, to support garden heritage by means of a publication, including in hard copy form.
A fuller statement of the rules and objectives of the HGF Grant Scheme can be found in the application form together with instructions as to how to complete and submit the form.
To download the form click here.



JUNE 2023


We are delighted to announce our first grant.
Zandera is the long-standing journal of the Deutschen Gartenbaubibliothek (the German Library of Landscape) in Berlin and the HGF has awarded Zandera the sum of €300 to fund its first issue of 2023. Zandera’s articles cover landscape and gardens on an international basis.
This is precisely the kind of enterprise that the HGF is looking to assist with its grants.

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