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A Global Perspective on Garden Heritage

is an international charity working to bring together lovers of historic parks and gardens across the world. From 1995 to 2022 the HGF published HISTORIC GARDENS REVIEW to provide a portal for the views of enthusiasts, campaigners and professionals alike and to champion the cause of our garden heritage. 

The Review covered historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes worldwide. Every country has its garden heritage and we aim to celebrate it. Alongside articles on famous gardens, we also specialised in finding the out-of-the-way garden, often in a country that might not realise that it even had a garden heritage. All aspects were covered: the history of gardens and their creators, modern restorations and modern disasters, the challenges of maintaining and presenting gardens and the views and controversies of professionals and amateurs alike.

Through feature articles and frank commentary on the experiences of garden visitors, we promoted high standards of conservation, celebrated successful restorations and campaigned on behalf of sites that threatened by development or neglect.

The Review forms a valuable archive of research and information, which will remain available for consultation on JStor. 


The HGF Changes Direction

After the final issue of Historic Gardens Review ,we took the decision to move the HGF to being an organisation that encourages others to work in the field where we worked for 25 years, by publication of material relating to historic parks, gardens, and designed landscapes. We therefore set up the grants scheme - click on GRANTS above.

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